What format does artistic engagement in a state of emergency require? Ilana Salama Ortar on »Civic Performance Art« that she invented working on the Israel/Palestine Conflict.
In her sociological studies, artist Froso Papadimitriou discusses the relation between tradition and cultural identity theory.
A conversation with the two performers Till Wyler von Ballmoos and Cássio Diniz Santiago about diverse measurement and belief systems, and on the perception of time and different realities.
T. Bristow has selected four new projects for the web residencies by Solitude and ZKM on the topic »Ghosted 2018« – an exploration of »Ghosting of Indigenous Media Practices.«
Actor Johannes May and director Jeffrey Döring switch roles to change the perspective on the last scene of »Burning Snow«.
Net artist Marisa Olson, juror for the first Hash award by Solitude & ZKM, created this video on the future of the Internet featuring works by the web residencies artists from 2016/2017.
Scientists are probably among those who have historically most used drawing as a study process and, in rare cases, as an artwork. Just think about Leonardo da Vinci.
»The book is a time to be with yourself and remind yourself and reflect on your own mortality.« Cristina Vidrutiu on »When Breath Becomes Air« by neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi
Delhi based writer, artist, and teacher Aditi Rao shares four poems of her publication »A Kind of Freedom Song«.
The short play by Brazilian author Vinicius Jatobá stages a dialog between two different generations in different political times. The piece is sensitive, conflictual, and full of sincerity.
The videos »Saras« and »Raktchandra« by Indian artist Sahej Rahal show hollow plaster torsos of decaying object gods. Crumbling bits inside them nudge themselves outward, recalling animated figures from shlocky horror movies.
Artist Ilana Salama Ortar on her first encounter with the historically specific character of Villa Khury/The Prophet’s Tower in Haifa in 1993.
Anthropologist Leone Contini recounts not only a one-sided history of Chinese farmer migrants in Tuscany, instead he reveals a poetic perspective on today’s Tuscan-Chinese landscape.