With »The Redirectory« the Institute for New Feeling mirrors the dark art of SEO to initiate their own campaign creating misleading, banal, and sometimes even poetic content.
»Reality does not have its own structure, it’s structured by the way you are thinking. And depending in which language you are thinking you are structuring reality.« An Interview with author and writer Mátyás Dunajcsik.
Art teacher Matthias Reinhold believes in self motivation, freedom, and individuality. Questioning skills can be a barrier and once this barrier is removed the flow can find its way.
A report by Jasmin Schädler on her different encounters while visiting a gynecology fair as an undercover, non-gynecologist, artistic researcher. In English and German.
In Schlossghost #1, Akademie Schloss Solitude examines the ways in which politics meet artistic and aesthetic practices in contemporary societies. Schlossghost #1 takes over the role of the traditional yearbooks by the Akademie.
»Homemade Culture« is an interactive map for homemade arts and culture events worldwide by fellow in the art, science & business program Jean-Lorin Sterian. Projects can be added to the map.
A project by web resident Manuel Minch on the topic »Re-entering the Ultimate Display«. The gallery is created as a three-dimensional digital space which shows tangible and intangible pieces at the same level.
The malaise of despair is better cured with decadence than with providence…« When D. Kaufman was Jean-Jacques Rousseau fellow at Solitude, he wrote this beautiful insight into a procrastinators mind.