Pauline de Chalendar

Out of Frame

How to exhibit a time and space-based drawing and what is its narrative potential? The contributions here are an open reflection about the practice of drawing – in virtual space and on paper – by visual artist Pauline de Chalendar slowly shifting from a visual diary to a virtual gallery. The research traces the development of MIRAGES, a multimedia installation made with a 3D drawing device in VR, until it’s exhibition.

Out of Frame#2

In Between

Once my ideas are clear enough on paper, I switch to the virtual place. There, it’s a completely other experience of space and time. No more small page and quick drawing; the empty space is endless and drawing gets deeper. What does it mean to move from the sketchbook to the immersive environment? I don’t believe that my 3D drawing is »just« a transcript of my drawing on paper. Can ideas be independent of technique? Can technique overwhelm the ideas?

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Out of Frame #1

On Paper

Whatever the nature of the project, drawing on paper is the very first step. I draw in a quite small scale in a sketchbook, with a pencil or a black pen. At first, there’s a time when I let the pencil guide me without trying to stay close to my subject. Abstract organic patterns often result from this automatic drawing; faces, eyes or legs …. Then I begin to draw the subject that interests me several times. I do this

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