»Novalis said that if we lose rhythm then we shall lose the world.« – Franck Christoph Yeznikian
At Solitude’s studio #20, the French artist duo Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot prepared an archaeological anomaly in Alaska.
Switch ON founder Goh Lee Kwang about his exciting platform for experimental music and arts, which is now the most important one in Malaysia.
Back in the 90's, Tilman Küntzel, fellow in the field of music/sound, created his installation series »Oh Solitude« with slot machines, light diodes, and solar knockers.
Philosopher Martin Beck in conversation with composer Bill Dietz about his book »8 TUTORIAL DIVERSIONS, 2009-2014.«
Music may, undoubtedly, awaken feelings of great joy or intense sorrow; but…
»Can African artists produce non political work?« Performing at Kisangani/DR Congo confronted artists Désire Davids, Dorine Mokha & Nicolas Mondon with new questions.
Speaker’s Corner, Fiction-in-Progess, 8 Tutorial Diversions, and House of Cards: a tour through the fellows’ exhibition in March/April 2015.
Das Schachspiel gilt als logische Disziplin, als geistige Herausforderung und strategischer Kampf. Was passiert, wenn Schach auf Musik trifft?