The World Bank started with the goal of ending poverty on our planet. It is not a normal bank, rather it belongs to the United States. Germany, too, contributes to it. It is the biggest development organization worldwide. However, again and again people are worse off after one of its funded projects than they were before. According to the research by an international team of journalists – which WDR, NDR, and the Süddeutsche Zeitung are part of – 3.5 million people have been resettled, many forcefully. Some even had to die.
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Elisabeth Weydt, Hamburg/Germany — Digital Journalism, Solitude fellow 2016
Elisabeth Weydt is a freelance journalist from Hamburg who works for different media companies in Germany. She also occasionally works as a production coordinator for film productions. Her big topic: civil society – where people engage in structural violence. She wishes cigarettes wouldn’t make her sick so she could fulfill the cliché of the constantly smoking journalist.
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