The Hirschgang

Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa, »Bitch on a Bent Palm Tree«, 2011
R. Armstrong (et al.), »Around Analogies«, 2015
Jörg Adam and Dominik Harborth, »Helfershelfer«, 2000
Gino Tavernini and Ingo Ahmels, »Steinzeit«, 1992
Vlad Nanca, »Dream of Bucharest«, 2007
Tamás Radnóti, untitled, 1993
Popok Tri Wahyudi, »The Light House«, 2008
Antonio Catelani, »Il corpo del colore«, 1995
Ayaz Jokhio, »titled«, 2005
Ines Birkhan and Bertram Dhellemmes, »Angel Meat«, 2010
Carlos Navarrete, »Un Jardin d’Hiver (Remake of the Week End)«, 2004
Susan Kealey, »Klinik«, 1991
Farzaneh Ghane with friends, »One Painting, Five Artists«, 2012
Klaus Metzler, »Blinde Grenzen«, 2000
Apparatus 22 (Erika Olea, Dragos Olea, Maria Farcas), »Fitting not (Room One)«, 2012
Yorjander Capetillo Hernández, »The Happiness Workshop«, 2015

With it’s over thirty meters length, the »Hirschgang« is the longest corridor at Akademie Schloss Solitude. As a passage it leads to thirteen artists studios as well as a library facing the court yard and the woods. Since Akademie’s foundation 25 years ago, the corridor isn’t a representative space for hunting trophies anymore, but serves as a space for contemporary art exhibitions of Akademie’s fellows. We show how this corridor has changed ever since.

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this magazine is
the wrong place (if you’re
looking for moral

variety) you
need only put out
your hand (don’t touch it

don’t look at it) for
moral symmetry
(not realizing

when you touch in one
place that you’re really
touching all over)

Aaron Kunin: Unangebrachte Direktheit, English and German, Edition Solitude, 2015.