Témoin considérable (significant witness) is a term from medieval jurisprudence that referred to a witness whose testimony was more important than that of others. During a trial, for example, the testimony of at least 30 laymen was needed to compete with a bishop’s statement. As part of the workshop Quotes & Appropriation, Tomislav Medak, the témoin considérable of this event, will listen attentively to the proceedings, waiting until the end to respond from his own perspective to Hans Blumenberg’s question: »What was it that we from the outset wanted to know?«
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Tomislav Medak, Zagreb/Croatia — Performing Arts, Solitude fellow 2013–2015
Tomislav Medak is a philosopher with interests in contemporary political philosophy, media theory and aesthetics. He is coordinating the theory program and publishing activities of the Multimedia Institute/MAMA (Zagreb/Croatia), and works in parallel with the Zagreb-based theatre collective BADco.
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