Solitude fog is different than any other fog.
as soon as it invades the contours of everything, you find yourself either paralyzed by the disappearing background, or freer than ever.
each decides what to do with his or her Solitude fog.
I am taking a daily stroll thru mine, even when it is not foggy.
sometimes I end up reading on the bench in front of the castle.
other times I end up looking at the horses trapped behind the fence.
most of the times I end up walking in the forest.
and then the fog just walks away
in Solitude.
solitude fog is different than any other fog.
as soon as it invades the contours of everything, you find yourself either paralyzed by the disappearing background, or freer than ever.
each decides what to do with his or her solitude fog.
I am taking a daily stroll thru mine, even when it is not foggy.
sometimes I end up reading on the bench in front of the castle.
other times I end up looking at the horses trapped behind the fence.
most of the times I end up walking in the forest.
and then the fog just walks away
in solitude.
when Solitude and solitude meet in the fog
they never say a word to each other,
but they sometimes walk side by side,
just like the lines of a poem,
until the fog disappears and lets first the world and then the word find their place again.