Dan Boehl, writer from Texas, collected poems from conversations, readings, and impressions at the Rečotrrrč / Wordrrrun performance festival in Belgrade/Serbia, the »emoemoji : belgrade« poems. »Poems designed to read on your phone,« as he says. »War, immigration, assimilation, and poetic musings abound.«:
»Belgrade fortress guards the confluence of the Sava into the Danube. A Byzantine citadel awaits a Turkish army that never arrives as it overlooks the river traffic of barges, party boats, and kids learning to sail. The rivers’ banks are nearly pristine tree and reed lines, but development encroaches as the old port capitalizes on its waterfront.
Belgrade’s architecture is kaleidoscopic, freely slipping Yugoslav socialist buildings among the Baroque. Sporadic war ruins bloom like delicate orchids.
On a trip to Serbia to attend the Rečotrrrč / Wordrrrun performance festival, I collected these poems from conversations, readings, and impressions. Not too much is stolen.« – Dan Boehl
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