Christoph Szalay
Christoph Szalay lives and works in Graz, Austria. He studied German language and literature in Graz, and Art in Context at the University of the Arts, Berlin. Szalay mainly writes poetry and hybrid prose. His recent projects and exhibitions include Heimat (steirischer herbst 2018, upcoming) when we turned off the light [we didn’t see nothing], 89plus/Luma, Zurich (2017), SPACE=WOW (BUT I STILL MISS YOU, EARTH), chapbook, Spacecraft Press, Calgary (2017), Re-Considering Trieste or OH, HOW I WANTED TO BE YOUR BABY (but you wouldn’t let me), publication in limited edition (100) in conjunction with AiR Trieste 2016, When I think of palace, lecture performance in three parts in cooperation with FORUM Stadtpark and steirischer herbst (2016). He is the coordinator for literature for the FORUM Stadtpark Graz.