My poetry practice involves talking to people and pulling poems out of the things they say. The people, the process, and the poems are each political in their own way.
Carpet Burn
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My poetry practice involves talking to people and pulling poems out of the things they say. The people, the process, and the poems are each political in their own way.
Dan Boehl, Austin, TX/United States — Literature, Solitude fellow 2013–2015
Dan Boehl is a founding editor of Birds, LLC, an independent poetry publisher, which put out his book Kings of the F**king Sea. He helps run the Austin reading series Fun Party and has received fellowships from the Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program, the Vermont Studio Center, the Akademie Schloss Solitude, and Lighthouse Works. His new book, emoemoji : woods, will appear in March from Edition Solitude.
by Solitude fellows
In its new collective publication, Schlossghost #1, Akademie Schloss Solitude examines the ways in which politics meet artistic and aesthetic practices in contemporary societies. For this the Solitude-fellows who had residencies in 2014, 2015 and early 2016 were invited to reflect on following questions: »Would you say that your practice is political? If so, how would you describe its political dimension?« Schlossghost #1 takes over the role of the traditional yearbooks by the Akademie. Every second year since 1990 they were summarizing all the facets of the work done in Solitude and maintained as a final truth Stéphane Mallarmé’s affirmation that »the ultimate state of the world is a book«. This new publication has lost its materiality and exists only as a virtual yearbook, or one could say as the ghost of a book. WWW.SCHLOSS-GHOST.COM