In our web residency, we would like to set up an online space, a website as a parallel place of exhibition that we are planning for July 2016 in UGM Studio Maribor/Slovenia, and its documentation and frequent updates.
This represents a possibility to broaden the audience of an actual event, which would become globally accessible through the webpage. Our lives consist of online and offline activities. In a similar way, this exhibition will explore the crossroads of actual and virtual landscapes that we enter on a daily basis.
In our work, we try to reflect the current time and space in which we live and the influences of technology and Internet on every level of our lives.
Through the course of the exhibition, the webpage will include the documentation of our works in different media, from paintings and digital prints to gifs, video excerpts, and installation shots. Visual language uses the elements of applied arts, advertising, and Internet aesthetics.
We are inspired by the social condition of place and time in which we live. Influenced by that, we are trying to create artistic interpretations of complex topics in a playful way. We are interested in the cross-section and differences between real and unreal, constructed worlds, natural and artificial, online and offline reality. We try to create atmospheres, which communicate with the viewer and make them rethink the patterns and structures of contemporary life as well as their own identity and existence.