Untitled (wine glass), 2016, C-print, 60x41 cm
Untitled (wine bottle), 2016 C-print, 60x41 cm
The candle composition was made in the winter of 2014 at studio 22 – my studio at the time when I was in the Schloss.
Initially I planned to show these compositions as sculptures, but as hard as I tried I was unable to sustain the fire for longer periods. Later I decided to show these works as still photos.
These pieces are nice memories for me from a period full of parties, new friends, and lots of »boredom.«
Ariel Schlesinger, Berlin/Germany — Visual Arts, Solitude fellow 2013–2015
Ariel Schlesinger, born 1980 in Jerusalem/ Israel, studied from 1999 to 2003 at the Bezalel Academy for Art and Design in Jerusalem. He participated in numerous exhibitions, including What does sculpture want? Sculpture after installation (2009) at the Bezalel Gallery in Tel Aviv/Israel, Christmas in July (2010) at the Yvon Lambert Gallery in New York/USA, Small Fire (2011) at the Sint-Lukasgalerie in Brussels/Belgium, Das Unerwartete Erwarten (2012) at the Künstlerhaus in Bremen/Germany.
Furthermore, he had a variety of solo exhibitions such as Reverse Engineering (2010) at the Galerija Gregor Podnar in Berlin/Germany, Catastrophe is Subjective (2011) at the Kunstverein Braunschweig/Germany and Phenomena of resonance (2011/2012) at the Musée du château des ducs de Wurtemberg in Montbéliard/France.
He received several awards and scholarships with residencies in France, Italy, Germany, and Japan. In 2012 he was awarded the »VHV-Künstler des Jahres«.
Currently, Ariel Schlesinger is living and working in Berlin.
by Solitude fellows
Schlossghost #1
In its new collective publication, Schlossghost #1, Akademie Schloss Solitude examines the ways in which politics meet artistic and aesthetic practices in contemporary societies. For this the Solitude-fellows who had residencies in 2014, 2015 and early 2016 were invited to reflect on following questions: »Would you say that your practice is political? If so, how would you describe its political dimension?« Schlossghost #1 takes over the role of the traditional yearbooks by the Akademie. Every second year since 1990 they were summarizing all the facets of the work done in Solitude and maintained as a final truth Stéphane Mallarmé’s affirmation that »the ultimate state of the world is a book«. This new publication has lost its materiality and exists only as a virtual yearbook, or one could say as the ghost of a book. WWW.SCHLOSS-GHOST.COM