by Solitude fellows

Schlossghost #2

Schlossghost #2

Can I Choose? Janine Jembere: If there is a difference between an artist/non-artist and something else, can I choose? Can I be something else? Imran Ali Khan: Being something else is such an exciting proposition, because it would be like the old Zen philosophy of being like water, navigating unknown terrains and only sometimes touching the shores. I have been reading Neruda these days (maybe because it’s getting so cold) and you know the famous line: »I want to with you what

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Schlossghost #2

A Synaptic Quest

I have always been the »something else,« as I always felt the need to write in the white box or over the black dots, supplementing the alternatives, building a space where the imagination encounters the practical solutions. It wasn’t because I wanted to stick out; on the contrary. It was mainly because of the frustration and boredom that comes when making a clean cut. It was because my mind really would wonder when exposed to a topic, looking at it

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Schlossghost #2

One Differentiation Between the Artist and the Non-artist

To answer the question posed in the 2017 yearbook, my first impulse was to wander in the waters of the literary theory, pointing out that the main difference between the »artist« and »non-artist« correspond to this very features that define them, i.e., their relationship to art. The »artist« is understood here as the producer of art, and the other as the absence of this benefit, a path that would certainly bring us to the temptation (or obligation) of discussing a

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Schlossghost #2


»This is a present from a small, distant world; a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts, and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours.« Those were the words of Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States and later diplomat and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, in reference to The Voyager Golden Records. These two phonograph records were included aboard both Voyager spacecrafts launched

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Schlossghost #2

Catbirds Mew, Copycats Fly

In the 1980s, Árpád Fogarasi started to build a nuclear bunker in his yard in eastern Hungary. His town was in one of the poorest counties near the Ukrainian and Romanian border. Amateur filmmaker Ferenc Bogdány did a documentary movie with Fogarasi and his neighbor, Sándor Szalacsi. [1] Fogarasi didn’t know anything about chemistry, but he still wanted to create a machine transforming the water of a well into oxygen for the hermetically-sealed bunker. He did not

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  1. Jump Up Ferenc Bogdány: Az atombunker:

Schlossghost #2

Clarity Diving

It’s important to consider who is an artist through a lens of his/her creative activity without analyzing his/her personality traits. As we all have unique personalities, I would concentrate on what is common in people who practice art. Solitude – yes, for sure. Artists need to isolate themselves in order to create. Sublimation of the inputs and concentration is essential to go beneath everyday duties and social activities. When the idea is being formed in the mind, the next step is to

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Schlossghost #2

Artist/Non-artist as Caretaker

We live in a new condition of the Earth. The world is not in a transition or crisis; what we face now is a fragile and finite Earth. If in modernity Nature = non-art, perhaps, when some artists collapse into non-art, it means both an exit from modernity and a new possibility of taking care of our world. »Guardianship, care – to curate is to care for. We are the curators of a gigantic museum of non-art in which we

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Schlossghost #2

A Banner is a Textile

A banner is a textile. A cloth of a chosen shape and color to denote an announcement, an alliance, an allegiance, a territory, an event, or an offering. A banner is a building block of a web page; a container of space located at the top. Commonalities of the web banner include being bold and branded, long and lean to mirror the horizontal rule of screen space. A banner is a beginning. So which came first: the blue of the

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Schlossghost #2

The Price per Square Meter for an Apartment on the Outskirts of Bucharest, in the Swamps

It was still too hot to go to the beach, so I walked slowly, so as to not wake Irina. After taking a leak, I sat back on the bed and started reading from a novel I had begun a few weeks back. A guy had written a book; HBO found out about it and made him filthy rich. He bought a house, had a work room made in it, but he understood pretty quickly that he could no longer

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Schlossghost #2

a portrait of the oeuvre as a process

i guess i always considered myself more as a worker than an artist. there is this classical romantic aura that haunts the modern notion of the artist. that has more to do with a lifestyle than with the work you are confronted with everyday. when i started out as a musician, it was more about this certain lifestyle, which bored me very early on. i think the funny fact about this certain radical, anarchist, and anti-bourgeois lifestyle of the early

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Schlossghost #2

Would you Rather?

I found myself watching Art21 on a Saturday night while assembling my Arduino kits for a workshop I would give a week later to 20 Columbia undergraduate students. Art21 is a now 20-year strong documentary series on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service in the United States) that focuses on making the process of contemporary artists more accessible to the wider public. The episode was about artists working in Chicago, a city known for its beautiful architecture, gusty winds, and crime and

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Schlossghost #2

Sometime Last Summer

I sat down next to Imran Ali Khan. As usual, I asked to bum a smoke. »The piranha is making the usual request.« »Please, of course.« He handed over his bag of American Spirit, papers, and filters. Generous as ever. I rolled one. Polite convo. »How are things?« »How’s the writing?« »I haven’t done a fucking thing,« he smiled. »It’s beautiful today.« It was. We sat on the short wall behind Solitude’s studios at the edge of the farmer’s field.

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Schlossghost #2

The Horses Came Later

1. James Joyce writes A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and means himself. But is a writer/translator also an »artist?« Writers, perhaps. Translators – never! Many deem them »technicians.« However, I don’t consider myself an artist despite being an author. Why not? Perhaps because »literature« is far too real for me. And the unreal is »art?« No, not the unreal. I’m well aware of the difference! In addition to writing (and perhaps because of it) I pursue

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Schlossghost #2


János Áfra is an eastern Hungarian poet. Born in Hajdúböszörmény in 1987, he currently lives in Debrecen. He studied visual arts, literature and philosophy at the University of Debrecen, where now he is an instructor. His first book, Glaukóma (Glaucoma) was published in 2012. Áfra was awarded two Hungarian debut prizes. His first drama is A semmi nem késik (The Zero Isn’t Late), and was presented in 2014. He is the editor-in-chief of He also writes essays, art criticism,

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