Creating Identity Omaha Uninitiated by Theodore Wheeler Through historical photographs, film, and music from the World War I era, the presentation investigates the celebration of certain identities during this time.
Cryptography Automatic Merge Failed by Femke Snelting »Automatic Merge Failed« is a close reading of the way »difference« is encoded into software, and insists on its centripetal potential.
Lecture Light and Color by Denis Grünemeier & Jens Meinreken Light and Color as Symbolic Forms in Transgressive Art. – A lecture by the art historians Denis Grünemeier & Jens Meinrenken.
Architectural Practice The Grammar of Copy by Fabrizio Gallanti Former Akademie juror Fabrizio Gallanti illustrates the cyclical return in architectural culture and the debate of the »problem of the copy.«
Lecture Témoin Considérable by Tomislav Medak Tomislav Medak, témoin considérable himself, responds from his own perspective to Hans Blumenberg’s question: »What was it that we from the outset wanted to know?«
Forms of Knowledge Embodying Cultural Memory by David Quigley Embodying Cultural Memory between Symbolic Forms, Dynamograms and Dance: Ernst Cassirer, Aby Warburg
Audio Lecture Codes at Work by Marcell Mars »There are very few fields of expertise where software tools haven’t become the essential part of their craft and workflows.« A lecture by internet activist Marcell Mars.
Visual Representation Inappropriate by Amie Siegel Video-artist Amy Siegel on »Quotes and Appropriation« in her work.