by Solitude fellows

Fellows’ Projects

This is the DIY, wild publishing page by Akademie Schloss Solitude fellows

ongoing experiment / installation

A kitchen is not a room

A kitchen is not a room. It is a space. A geometric, physical and mental space. Kitchens have had a main role in the historical definition of the idea of home and family, and subsequently, in the creation of gender biased relationships within the domestic sphere. Nevertheless, technological innovation and new kitchen appliances enabled the emancipation of women. A kitchen developed from being the centre of the house with the fire heating, to a separate space, from a communal kitchen

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Truth is Calling

  when the truth is calling and there is now way out when you wake up and know that your instinct of survival has been on for too long and you continued as if nothing is wrong   when you know you could have handled it differently but you did not then sarcasm strikes after it explodes it’s surprising maybe shocking and there’s no hearing no resolution just an insult and confusion   the hate of the self is stronger

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