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Wind Egg experiment excerpt from haseeb ahmed on Vimeo.

The L7 Wind Personification Facility


On May 4th, the Wind Egg experiment was revealed at the NATO von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) just outside of Brussels. The Wind and a Vulture met to realize an ancient Greek theory that the wind could fertilize animals and people as it does plants. Using modern wind tunnel technology the face of the Wind was conjured and communicated with before being literally introduced to Sparta, a female African-Vulture.
Because the wind carries aerial spermatozoa to fertilize animals and people that are female, the wind is logically male.
The Wind Egg Experiment

full film can be seen here.

While most work at the VKI happens behind closed doors, this experiment was open to the public for a single day. The visit began in the canteen, before moving deeper into the institution. First to the vulture aviary housed in the intake of a former large vertical wind tunnel, adjacent to the Qarman Satellite Ground Control Station and onwards through the three other stages of “The Wind Egg,” the L2B aero-acoustic inseminator, the L1 wind egg incubator, and the L7 where the inevitably male face of, wind was being taught how to speak. The inevitable goal of this experiment is to explore the possibility of human reproduction with the wind and without men.