by Solitude fellows

Schlossghost #2

Schlossghost #2

Notes on the Becomings of Worlds: Cosmotechnological Reflections

Lake Baikal is an eco-culturally significant body of water in Russia, similar in scope to Rachel Carson’s poem Silent Spring in the Occident. [1] Baikal is an UNESCO World Heritage site where many forms of science, and many ontologies and cosmologies overlap and struggle for recognition. Baikal

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  1. Jump Up N. B. Breyfogle: »At the Watershed: 1958 and the Beginnings of Lake Baikal Environmentalism.« in: Slavonic & East European Review, 93[1], 2015, pp. 147–180. Rachel Carson’s impact on environmentalist thought and movement is highly recommended.

Schlossghost #2


Until now, I didn’t see myself as an artist. After my practical studies of landscape architecture, I was seeking freedom and therefore started to study architecture at an art academy rather than a university. This was probably the start of my career as »an artist.« During my fellowship at the Akademie Schloss Solitude I was a cooperation fellow with Bosch GmbH and worked at their »Platform 12« as a »Strange Agent.« Suddenly there I was, the crazy artist, and not

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Schlossghost #2

What is Art?

It’s been almost two years since I made that silly GIF, but it pops into my mind whenever the status of art and artists is questioned. I created my own jokes to cope and to escape the artistic label. In my short video Only Humans Search for Meaning, a 3D character states, »I know it’s very important for humans to name things.« I believe art should have as much confusion in it as life does, but instead there’s always the

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Schlossghost #2

Roadside Thoughts

»The path is lined with ideas,« said al-Jahiz a thousand years ago, and it’s a flawless fact. But – and how repulsive are the things we say after »but,« how they spoil the fun of reveling in the poetry that preceded them – those notions strewn along the roadside of which al-Jahiz talked were the prevailing ideas, the easy pickings, like flower pots by the door of a house or an Arabesque carving on a window frame. They were the

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Schlossghost #2

Being an Artist.

Akademie Schloss Solitude asks me whether I’m an artist. I was selected as an artist fellow at the Akademie, so the question may seem redundant. However, there are also other fellows from other professions: architects, social scientists, journalists, designers, and writers, among others, so we may need to wear a tag on our shirts to be identified, perhaps. To be identified or to identify as an artist – what does it mean to me? Sometimes, different categories are useful not

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Schlossghost #2

If a Manifesto

If art; art art arts, art art, art art art art -art was, is, to be, are, is dividing, is, are, are, waste, recalls, double, are, are, be, implies, does become, refuses, to be, assumes, deny, establishes, conditions, say, think, intend, is, say, do, notice, makes, refers, existed, is. Once, the public and the artists are all on bookshelves. The questions of art, antiart and nonart waste our time: building a train station in a luncheonette maybe the only life

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Schlossghost #2

Artists’ Social Role in the Eyes of a Non-artist’s

During my formative years, I witnessed a popular trend in which people could easily be identified as artists from their physical appearances and lifestyles; having long and tangled hair, dressing in eccentric fashions, living unconventionally, being bohemian and anti-mainstream. At that time, when postmodern ideas were increasingly popular among Indonesian artists, people liked to say, »Artists are the others, those who are different from us.« Anyone possessing those properties would be simply associated with the notion of artist. I acknowledged

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Schlossghost #2

A Provisional Definition of an Architect

Proposition: »In the nineteenth century, Gilbert Scott said something like this: If you see a building with windows of a size to admit an appropriate amount of light, it may or may not be a work of architecture. But if the windows are definitely too big or definitely too small, then you can be almost certain that you are in the presence of an architectural endeavor.« – Colin Rowe, 1989 (published 1994) Eight (8) of ten (10) anonymous online workers

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Schlossghost #2

Art is Art and Non-art as well as Non-art is Art and Non-art

One can find many ways to approach the distinction between art and non-art, but will always fail to a certain extent. This distinction simply tries to provide labels for a particular project or practice that might have been intended to be artistic or non-artistic. In my view, non-artistic projects tend to produce some specific emotional and intellectual response. For instance a random advertisement might intend to produce curiosity, which will later be satisfied. This ad might be composed in regard

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Schlossghost #2

Music Is a Way of Listening

»Beauty is the movement of an anonymous dancer along the gangways of a subway station running to try and catch the next train,« a music teacher said in one of my very first lessons. This made me realize that artistic appreciation is solely a matter of choice. I am a music inventor, a composer. I construct my works with sound, and after doing so I claim that sound has turned into music. In every step of the process I intend

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Schlossghost #2

What it Means to be Avant-garde

the point is going somewhere and getting lost perhaps it is a sense of discovery that I am after I have been after that for years and I have been somewhere and it is not enough it is never enough for sartre desire goes one after another and until death does it leave you alone and perhaps before death you do not want to leave it alone desire moves you into passion and then you lose your head you are

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Schlossghost #2

The Interaction of Beings

I write as a human being, in the world, with a particular known reality of what the interactions between beings are. I write from a minuscule point in an incomprehensible cluster. Like all humans I know, I have experienced and observed complicated and gradated forms of power abuse. I understand that this is a critical part of human nature and how we experience and react to these abuses forms our collective reality. In my own work that I do not

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Schlossghost #2

Introductions: Me and the Doppelgänger

I describe myself as an artist as of recently. My name has appeared in artist lists and related events for the past ten or twelve years, thus I feel more comfortable introducing myself as such. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no particular manifesto in what I do. My lack of art education is probably not helping in this direction. The aesthetic/thematic/medium discontinuity in my work can seem confusing for those who care about these things and sometimes makes

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Schlossghost #2

The Labors of the Data Curator

One of the many side effects of what I call »teenternet culture« is applicable to a new dimension of the term »curator.« In order to work from the position closest to the dissolution of the categories established by the artistic tradition, it is necessary to continually rethink all kinds of activities and contemporary terminology, to compare their functions and possible applications to the culture permeabilized by the Internet. The figure of the curator was born within the context of the

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Schlossghost #2

Doubts in the Night

»This piping, which rises up where everyone else is pledged to silence, comes almost like a message from the whole people to each individual; Josephine’s thin piping amidst grave decisions is almost like our people’s precarious existence amidst the tumult of a hostile world. Josephine exerts herself, a mere nothing in voice, a mere nothing in execution, she asserts herself and gets across to us; it does us good to think of that. A really trained singer, if ever such

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Schlossghost #2

Art, As a Lifestyle

In Arabic we have the expression »he/she is an artist in his/her work,« (فنّان/ة بشُغله/ا) and we use it to describe how we evaluate people in their different jobs. He could be a fisherman; she could be a flower seller. Any job could fit this expression, but the one common thing is that people, the customers, decide if the person is an »artist« in his or her job or not. It’s always a question of who decides who is an

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