beyond credit



Archivist’s note: This is one of the first pitcards implemented in the second half of L22.0 The natural progression of wealth from 1) actual objects (bartering) to 2) representations (coins) to 3) promises (credit) finally concluded with 4) absence (deficit from birth), as a means of moving society post-capital. The physical nature of money was abolished in favour of a non-inherited debt system, whereby individuals were automatically born in arrears. The amount was fixed and life was spent filling the hole by working for a standardised wage. If an individual were to die before being fully above the pit, no debt would be passed on to the following generation, enabling everybody an equal start. Once all birth-debt had been paid off, the individual was awarded a pitcard that granted access to government-assigned rations. The individual no longer needed to purchase anything, as all necessary items were provided by the state. If the individual wished for a certain item or commodity, the pitcard would have to be renounced and the total sum of spending deducted from the pit, meaning work would have to recommence until the debt had been paid off. Then the pitcard would be re-issued.